Please klick on the album covers or titles below to hear my music on Spotify.

Lilla Kören / Om detta livet

On this record Lilla Kören (Little Choir), and the conductor Pelle Olofson, perform my compositions and arrangements. Lyrics by Karin Boye, Edith Södergran, John Dowland and others. Also included are some arrangements of Swedish folk tunes.

Stockholms Studentsångare / Hidden Treasures

I’ve made the following arrangements on this record with Stockholms Studentsångare (Stockholm Academic Male Chorus) and Pelle Olofson: Är jag född så vill jag leva, Imse vimse spindel, Bockarna Bruse, Glimmande nymf, Elva dromedarer and Lilla Charles sov sött i frid.